Hitch Major: Chomsky Likes A Facist with a Tea Towel on His Head
(too old to reply)
2004-04-16 11:29:48 UTC
Hey pop kids it's retro time! Let's spin this ol' 45 from 29th Spetember
2001 and DANCE to this bit:

'...And this is precisely, now, our problem. The Taleban and its surrogates
are not content to immiserate their own societies in beggary and serfdom.
They are condemned, and they deludedly believe that they are commanded, to
spread the contagion and to visit hell upon the unrighteous. The very first
step that we must take, therefore, is the acquisition of enough self-respect
and self-confidence to say that we have met an enemy and that he is not us,
but someone else. Someone with whom coexistence is, fortunately I think, not
possible. (I say ÔfortunatelyÕ because I am also convinced that such
coexistence is not desirable....'

Monkey Doctor
2004-04-17 15:01:11 UTC
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 12:29:48 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Hey pop kids it's retro time! Let's spin this ol' 45 from 29th Spetember

"Christopher Hitchens says that intellectuals who seek to understand
the new enemy are no friends of peace, democracy or human life "

Ah, so understanding your enemy is wrong, you should just kill him?
Very pragmatic approach. Twat.


gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-18 11:16:39 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 12:29:48 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Hey pop kids it's retro time! Let's spin this ol' 45 from 29th Spetember
Short attention span; midn you, you like trance, so...
Post by Monkey Doctor
"Christopher Hitchens says that intellectuals who seek to understand
the new enemy are no friends of peace, democracy or human life "
Ah, so understanding your enemy is wrong, you should just kill him?
You understand militant Islam? And in doing so find a way to a peaceful end.
Work to that James The Holy, work to it and report back. Mind you, you
didn't read the article did you?
Post by Monkey Doctor
Very pragmatic approach. Twat.
Ah the ad hominens; hell hath no fury like a sci fi anorak twitted.
Post by Monkey Doctor
gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message
_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories