Post by William BlackPost by CalifeGreetings!
Having just re-read John Le Carre's Smiley novels (Tinker, Taylor...,
Was British Intelligence (MI6 ????) in fact located at one time on
Cambridge Circus?
No it wasn't.
Post by CalifeAnd if it was, where was it?
Originally they were on the top floor of 'Admiralty Buildings' next door to
the Houses of Parliament. Admiralty Buildings is actually a huge block of
flats and Mansfield Cummings, the first head of the SIS, had an apartment
on the top floor there
Then I believe they were in a number of buildings in Whitehall, but who was
where is another matter, certainly the code breaking operation in WWI was
in Room 40 OB, OB meaning 'The Old Admiralty Building'.
However lots of this is speculative.
For example there is a theory that the names 'MI5' and 'MI6' came from room
You mean MI doesn't stand for "military intelligence"????
Egad, and I thought I knew about that stuff...!!! :-)
Thank you William for your reply.
If I read you correctly, you speak of a long gone era.
How about the period LeCarre refers to, the 60s and 70s (a little less
Could they have been on Cambridge Circus then??
What I'm trying to say is how come would LeCarre, who strives mightily
for credibility and proper "background", fail to locate MI6 in the
correct historical place, choosing instead the theatre and music shops
district in the West End???!! Not for "security" reasons...!!!!
Especially with all the minute description of place, offices,
elevators... he goes through. And when Mandel is staking out the head
office from across Cambridge Circus to warn Smiley that the mole has
left and is on its way to the safe-house in Camden,... was all this
artistic licence on LeCarre's part???
I mean, here I am a Philadelphia 'merkin living in Paris who loves
LeCarre's style and has read almost all he's put out (and saw the movies
and TV series as well!!! :-) ), in effect making up his ideal
readership: I would have no esthetic problem with Control and Smiley
running the "service" out of Whitehall or the Admiralty Building or
"Century House"?
Everybody knows CIA is in Langley, VA. I can't imagine Robert Ludlum or
some such writer locating CIA in Georgetown, Arlington, Bethesda or
Takoma Park!!! A safe house, for sure, but not the service's HQ!
So why Cambridge Circus??
Post by William BlackThen they moved to an office black called 'Century House'.
They now have a new building...
Somewhere on the Thames south bank, if I'm not mistaken...???