(too old to reply)
Monkey Doctor
2004-02-21 11:39:34 UTC
life's like a movie; it doesn't move me
Monkey Doctor: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk
-> Follow the "Stories" link for the short stories
2004-02-23 14:12:54 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
life's like a movie; it doesn't move me
Monkey Doctor: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk
-> Follow the "Stories" link for the short stories
Hey I listened to reggae, took drugs and fucked a lot all weekend: didn't
make me unthinkingly multi culti though.

Do you think because the old bill beat him up it negates what I've said?
The police has arseholes-- high arsehole quotient in the police is a
feature the world over-- in it and I fully back the plan to bring these men
to justice. I don't believe that the man recieved the injuries for racial
reasons: the old bill sometimes put the boot in: my mate got nicked last
year when he was blind drunk and trying to steal a car to go to Brighton,
the old bill threw him down the stairs in the station. How you stop the old
bill doing that is another matter. One thing's for sure, lecturing the
police and telling them they shouldn't be racists will never do much good:
people are either decent or they are not and you will not make bullet headed
Mancunian men in their 20s into non-racists unless they, by experience and
by common decency, see that racism is wrong. Having said all that, I believe
that the sort of idea YOU have about police and minorities-- and, in fact,
everything else-- is bent out of all shape by the unthinking liberalism of
the last thirty years. You see the old bill as blue meanies and minorities
as put-upon characters from a Bob Marley song: more rigour is required in
your thinking Beresford; you're getting better since I came and kicked your
unthinking, smug liberal arse but you must try harder!!
Monkey Doctor
2004-02-23 19:43:38 UTC
On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 14:12:54 -0000, "ROBBIE ANTI-BEEB GUERILLA"
Post by Monkey Doctor
life's like a movie; it doesn't move me
Monkey Doctor: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk
-> Follow the "Stories" link for the short stories
Hey I listened to reggae, took drugs and fucked a lot all weekend: didn't
make me unthinkingly multi culti though.
Do you think because the old bill beat him up it negates what I've said?
No, it was just a meaningless counterpoint to your equally meaningless
stories, to illustrate that you can't prove a social problem by
bringing up individual cases.
You see the old bill as blue meanies
Well, some coppers are cunts, most aren't. On the whole I think they
do a good and very difficult job. I certainly don't view them a 'like,
the tool of oppression, man'. If this was the PRC I might have a
different view, but I know what country i'm living in.
and minorities
as put-upon characters from a Bob Marley song
More assumptive tripe. I don't hold them up to any sort of light and
declare them pure. What I do see is that throughout history minorities
get shat on with little legitimacy other than the ulterior motives of
the majority. The means by which this abuse is instigated is largely
via ignorance and misinformation (The Jews are after our money, the
Indians are after our Jobs, the blacks are after our women etc.) and I
firmly believe the way to prevent such abuse is through nurturing
communication between these groups.

Where you and I part way philosophically is that I think the
government, in the interest of peaceful interior racial relations,
should put pressure on the countries institutions to ensure the
cultural groups mix. I don't think the situation will ever be perfect
and we will all hold hands and hug Ebony and Ivory stylee, but i'd
rather a few disgruntled people than communities at each others

life's like a movie; it doesn't move me
Monkey Doctor: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk
-> Follow the "Stories" link for the short stories
2004-02-24 15:40:12 UTC
see post in other thread
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 14:12:54 -0000, "ROBBIE ANTI-BEEB GUERILLA"
"Monkey Doctor"
Post by Monkey Doctor
life's like a movie; it doesn't move me
Monkey Doctor: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk
-> Follow the "Stories" link for the short stories
Hey I listened to reggae, took drugs and fucked a lot all weekend: didn't
make me unthinkingly multi culti though.
Do you think because the old bill beat him up it negates what I've said?
No, it was just a meaningless counterpoint to your equally meaningless
stories, to illustrate that you can't prove a social problem by
bringing up individual cases.
You see the old bill as blue meanies
Well, some coppers are cunts, most aren't. On the whole I think they
do a good and very difficult job. I certainly don't view them a 'like,
the tool of oppression, man'. If this was the PRC I might have a
different view, but I know what country i'm living in.
and minorities
as put-upon characters from a Bob Marley song
More assumptive tripe. I don't hold them up to any sort of light and
declare them pure. What I do see is that throughout history minorities
get shat on with little legitimacy other than the ulterior motives of
the majority. The means by which this abuse is instigated is largely
via ignorance and misinformation (The Jews are after our money, the
Indians are after our Jobs, the blacks are after our women etc.) and I
firmly believe the way to prevent such abuse is through nurturing
communication between these groups.
Where you and I part way philosophically is that I think the
government, in the interest of peaceful interior racial relations,
should put pressure on the countries institutions to ensure the
cultural groups mix. I don't think the situation will ever be perfect
and we will all hold hands and hug Ebony and Ivory stylee, but i'd
rather a few disgruntled people than communities at each others
life's like a movie; it doesn't move me
Monkey Doctor: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk
-> Follow the "Stories" link for the short stories
2004-02-25 09:19:55 UTC
X-No-Archive: yes
Post by Monkey Doctor
Where you and I part way philosophically is that I think the
government, in the interest of peaceful interior racial relations,
should put pressure on the countries institutions to ensure the
cultural groups mix.
Not much hope of that when we have race-obsessed local authorities and
government agencies publishing forms in several languages. This has the
effect of discouraging integration. I used to struggle with Spanish
hacienda forms and would have felt patronised if they decided to produce
English language versions. There was nothing for it but to learn enough
Spanish to cope.

The only rational explanation of the mad world about us is that we're
living in a Monty Python sketch. There was an M.P. sketch in the 1970s
about hoods extorting protection money from an armoured brigade "Tanks
can get broken, squire". After the Mill Hill barracks bombing, we
learned that army establishments were being guarded by private security
firms. In a notable courtroom sketch, a QC (John Cleese) said to the
judge: "Sorry I'm late, m'lud -- I couldn't find a kosher car park." Now
we have the Islamic toilets nonsense in Croydon.

What's needed now is a uniformed character to march on set saying:
"Silly. Silly. Silly. This sketch has gone on far too long. It was a
good idea to start with, now it's just got silly."
James Follett. Novelist. (G1LXP) http://www.jamesfollett.dswilliams.co.uk
"A Forest of Eagles" ISBN 0 7278 6062 3 Pub: Severn House London & New York
June 2004. GBP18.99/USD27.95. "A Return of Eagles" scheduled Fall 2004.
email james at marage dot demon dot co dot uk