Post by Alan HopePost by ROBBIANIEEEESTAPost by Alan HopePost by ROBBIANIEEEESTA'If Michael Moore had had his way, Slobodan Milosevic would still be the
Post by Alan HopePost by ROBBIANIEEEESTAman in a starved and tyrannical Serbia. Bosnia and Kosovo would have been
cleansed and annexed. If Michael Moore had been listened to, Afghanistan
would still be under Taliban rule, and Kuwait would have remained part of
Iraq. And Iraq itself would still be the personal property of a
Post by Alan HopePost by ROBBIANIEEEESTAcrime family, bargaining covertly with the slave state of North Korea for
WMD. You might hope that a retrospective awareness of this kind would
Post by Alan HopePost by ROBBIANIEEEESTAa little modesty. To the contrary, it is employed to pump air into one of
the great sagging blimps of our sorry, mediocre, celeb-rotten culture.
Post by Alan HopePost by ROBBIANIEEEESTAthe vote, indeed. '
The Lies of Michael Moore by Christopher Hitchens
Hitch is no anorexic. And he smokes, and he has bad teeth.
Having got that out of the way, though, it seems like a lot of people
have failed to understand Moore. He's a troll. He's a real-life movie
troll. Calling him a liar simply misses the point. The only way to
tackle him is to make better counter-trolls.
HAH! All that self righteous 'ah'm a gritteh jock wi' plenney a cormon
sense' stuff and underneath it all just a full, thoroughgoing nitwit of the
first water. Alan Hope applauds a Showbiz Liar With A Monstrous Ego and
says 'aye well laddy, fuck the truth, just tell bigger lies.'
If you wouldn't mind coming back to this when you're less
angry/drunk/incoherent, I'd appreciate it. I know you can spell, and
write proper sentences when you want to. I'm taking your failure to do
so here as a personal slight, and cutting you.
HAH! All that self righteous 'ah'm a gritteh jock wi' plenney a cormon
sense' stuff and underneath it all just a full, thoroughgoing nitwit of the
first water. Alan Hope applauds a Showbiz Liar With A Monstrous Ego and
says 'aye well laddy, fuck the truth, just tell bigger lies.'
You don't need that explained do you? But here goes: You like to come on as
Mr Hardkick the PE Teacher of Usenet, giving everyone a cold dose of piss on
their arguments and ideas. How funny then, to find you asserting that the
only way to refute Michael Moore's lying is to tell bigger lies. That's the
idea of a stupid cunt and, I am sure, that now you come to think about it,
you realise that I'm right. The 'Alan Hope applauds bit' was simply scoffing
at you saying that anything this man does is righteous, be it true or not.
Another entirely foolish assertion. I agree that my grammatical errors made
the latter part of the post slightly difficult to understand, but of course
you understood them but were grateful to utilise literary snobbery
(something I feel you'd condemn in another mood) to avoid answering them.
This: Abandonment of will to even *think* about the truth; wholesale
surrender to
media soundbite. Get thee to Orwell's Politics and the English Language you
fucking joker smoker.
Meant, as you well know, 'Your Abandonment of will to even *think* about the
truth; wholesale surrender to
media soundbite. Get thee to Orwell's Politics and the English Language you
fucking joker smoker.'
I called you a fucking joker smoker--it's a west Indian term of abuse for
the gauche and inane novice marijuana user--because you're talking like one.
Read the essay and reconsider your assertions.
And then you wrote:
and personally I reckon whatever Moore can do
To which I wrote:
Why is that then? Because you have extrapolated, from your jockness, a
respect for any kind of dissent, even if it be a pack of self-aggrandizing
fucking rubbish from a double dealer and outright wanker. Example: Black
people would have fought back on the 9/11 planes.
I was voicing my suspicion that you, like so many other people north of the
border, have extrapolated your nationality, with it's peculiar resentments
and indignations against the country that defeated you, into a commendation
for any dissent, anywhere, regardless of the probity of it.
You then wrote:
. The Administration has the whole weight of a
Post by Alan Hopestate-driven and taxpayer-funded apparatus at its disposal to carry
out its propaganda. Moore has to raise his own funds.
To which I replied:
Yes, by telling lies to those intellectually, as well as dermatologically,
spotty children of all ages who by his books.
If you insert a 'u' in 'by' the whole sentence makes sense. Surprised you
couldn't work it out for yourself...
Post by Alan HopeIt's also deliciously apt that he uses cinema. You're not supposed to
believe what you see in the cinema is real, hello?
To which I replied:
You could propound this is a kind of smarty pants Godardian Nihilist way.
But Moore is doing making his films as exercises in the deceit of movies.
He's making films in the spirit of Leni Refenstal.
Here I made textual errors. It should have read:
You could propound this in a kind of smarty pants Godardian Nihilist way.
But Moore is not making his films as exercises in the deceit of movies
(Godard's didactic mantra: film is truth 24 frames a second even when it's a
lie.) He's making films in the spirit of Leni Reifenstal.
(Leni Reifenstal was Hitler's primo propaganda filmmaker)
You then wrote:
That he uses that
Post by Alan Hopeas an instrument of propaganda makes complaints like Hitchens's so
much more ridiculous.
To which I replied:
What is ridiculous about pointing out the fatuous thinking, obfsuscations,
evasions and outright lies of a self-appointed moral crusader?
Indeed, what *is* ridiculous about it? (You asserted that Hitchen's
observations were 'ridiculous'.)