Writing website.
(too old to reply)
2006-02-01 15:37:17 UTC
Hello all :),

Nice to be in the group. I have a website which can be found at the
following - http://musingsofamind.com/musingsofamind/index.html. At
the moment it is the collected works of me and my friend but I am
hoping it will become something of a resource for aspirant writers too.
Anyways, enjoy and look forward to posting more in the group.
Eirik Bischoff Riis Anfinsen
2006-05-31 23:13:58 UTC
Post by PheoAsh
Hello all :),
Nice to be in the group. I have a website which can be found at the
following - http://musingsofamind.com/musingsofamind/index.html. At
the moment it is the collected works of me and my friend but I am
hoping it will become something of a resource for aspirant writers too.
Anyways, enjoy and look forward to posting more in the group.

I just clicked around on your website, it looks interesting. I've only
read the moral maze musing of yours - it's well written and
interesting, but I feel you've left out a few important aspects of
moral issues.

Just some questions for you to ponder on if you're ever going to
re-write that piece;

Is moral universal? What about the cultural aspect, why is a certain
action immoral in one society while moral in another (f.x eating dogs
in china). Is it morally right of you to judge others morals?

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