Post by ROBBIE ANTI-BEEB GUERILLANot at all- YOU are assuming, in the usual sarky-to-shrill student way...
Well we both seem to be doing some assuming. You assume i'm a Guardian
crazed baggy jumper and beard type, whereas I have been assuming you
are sitting on Littlejohn's knee, echoing his every word.
Post by ROBBIE ANTI-BEEB GUERILLAYou merely re-itierate what I said in my other reply to you in the other
thread- in yer multi-culti society you have to take the brown racists with
the white- I realise this is radical thinking for you. You should be
grateful I gave you an argument in one thread that you can throw--
inappropriately however-- at me in another.
It's not 'radical thinking' for me to believe that foreign people can
be racists. I don't attach some halo to immigrants - they're just as
human as the rest of us, and as prone to being good citizens as bad
I don't see that we should tolerate any form of racism, be it Whites
hating Asians, Asians hating Blacks or Blacks hating Whites.
Post by ROBBIE ANTI-BEEB GUERILLAThe Jamaican's sentence is far
too lenient- look at the stupidity of two successive juries- must have been
in the same mindset as you.
I'm sorry, but where the fuck are you coming from? I agree that
sentence is too lenient, and you're displaying ignorance of our sytem
of justice if you think Juries set the sentence. That's the Judge's
Post by ROBBIE ANTI-BEEB GUERILLAYoung Jamaican immigarnts are a pain in the ass *generally*. You think i'm
racist for saying that. As I say: shows how fat-witted and self righteous
you Guardios are...
Well, if you could back it up in any way or form I might give you some
credence. But i'd be surprised if you've actually got any.
While you're at it, lay off the condescension to the left - you're
sounding like a whining Mail columnist.