This is the Left's Way of Stopping Racism
(too old to reply)
2004-04-17 09:21:41 UTC

Makes you de old sardonic laugh.
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-17 15:03:43 UTC
On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 10:21:41 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Makes you de old sardonic laugh.
Ah, knee jerk reaction. I knew when you saw this you would link-me-do.

So what is your enlightened solution to the problem that ethnic
minorities dont trust white police officers, and the Met is starrved
of officers who can work more effectively in these environments?

Ah, I know - ban MC and we'll all integrate as one happy family and
race and culture will just dissapear.



gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-18 10:11:10 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 10:21:41 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Makes you de old sardonic laugh.
Ah, knee jerk reaction.
Could you explain why you wrote that?

I knew when you saw this you would link-me-do.
Post by Monkey Doctor
So what is your enlightened solution to the problem that ethnic
minorities dont trust white police officers, and the Met is starrved
of officers who can work more effectively in these environments?
It's two old English words really: tough tit. The police force is being
neutered and bashed for being racist; they bend over backwards via wanky
left doctrine to help ethnic minorities. The weakening of the Police to a
'service' rather than a preventative 'force'-- a move legislated by the
wanky left entirely--has often left the most vunerable sections of the
country--the inner cities,particularly and ironically the ethnic
minorities--at the mercy of the criminals around them. This became obvious
to me when I lived and spent time in such districts. The left isn't too
interested in that, preferring, like you, to be spoonfed highly massaged
crime figures.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Ah, I know - ban MC and we'll all integrate as one happy family and
race and culture will just dissapear.
You show your simple mind when you shout things like that: 'ban MC'. Tsk. I
tell you one thing though, you will never create equality by treating some
people with kid gloves; it won't work. In a force like the met you are
condemning those who have had it made easy for them-- 'the fast track'--to
being thought of badly. This, my little woolly friend, is the bald fact of
human nature. This move--instutituted by the left--I have no doubt will
greatly increase rancour and may increase racism.
