Post by JFX-No-Archive: yes
Post by Eddie FrenchPost by JFX-No-Archive: yes
Post by Jeremiah HarbottlePost by JFWhenever I've picked up an MS from the slush pile that's
paragraph formatted (it's astonishing how many are -- doesn't anyone
actual open a book to see how it should be done?) it goes back to the
author/authoress with an incorrect formatting convention note.
I am amazed anyone would submit using the American/Business
format - how
many books do you read that in this format?
About half of them. I'm sorry to say that the specimen chapters
on the website cited below also use American paragraphing.
I would reiterate, where does it say that this work has been
submitted in this format, ever?
In billions of novels on billions of bookshelves.
Post by Eddie FrenchWe live in the world which has in it, for good or for bad, the
World Wide Web.
This work is shown ON the WWW. One of the most useful aspects of
the WWW is the potential for experimentation. People find it
difficult to read from the screen when work is published using
traditional formats.
Those traditional formats are the result of 400 years of
hard-learned lessons in typography. It would be a foolish writer
who decides to ignore such evolution. Shove a white line between
each paragraph and the next in novels and you'll double the amount
of paper used.
Post by Eddie FrenchWe can experiment with visual layout in an effort to attract
readers. We must experiment. Jeremiah, did you follow this thread
from the beginning? I think not or you would have seen that the
content of this post has it's beginnings somewhat earlier on.
Your own formatting used for your posts is a ghastly abortion -- a
mixture of American and Imperial formatting. A post has one writer
but many readers therefore it is sensible to consider the majority.
Post by Eddie FrenchPerhaps you could look again, this time judging content. Come back
and tell me that the content is a load of bollocks, or not bad, or
even good, anything but comments on format - which are quite
frankly, irrelevant when viewed in this medium.
Presentation is one hundred per cent relevant. If a writer is too
lazy, too stupid, too arrogant, or simply can't be bothered to
present their stuff properly, then I can't be bothered to read it.
James Follett. Novelist. (G1LXP)
"Return of the Eagles", the last book in James Follett's 'Eagles' trilogy
published by Severn House, London & New York, Dec 2004.
Shurely shome mishtake here. Like wrong thread.