The Doozy
(too old to reply)
2004-04-03 10:13:07 UTC
ROBBIE comes in from the cold and throws and a copy of The Times for April
3rd 2004 on the table. Looks at Monkey Doctor and says 'you, cunty, be quiet
and read that.' Says to the rest of the room: 'well, seems I was right and
yet you ganged up on me for it and even Follett tried to knock me down with
his malevolent snobbery but, lads, it seems I was right.' ROBBIE walks out,
and titters on the way.

Monkey Doctor
2004-04-04 10:03:30 UTC
On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 11:13:07 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
ROBBIE comes in from the cold and throws and a copy of The Times for April
3rd 2004 on the table. Looks at Monkey Doctor and says 'you, cunty, be quiet
and read that.' Says to the rest of the room: 'well, seems I was right and
yet you ganged up on me for it and even Follett tried to knock me down with
his malevolent snobbery but, lads, it seems I was right.' ROBBIE walks out,
and titters on the way.
This is the same Trevor Philips you sneeringly described as an
agitator of the pansy left:

Robbie wrote earlier:

"It is now emerging in various think pieces in the newspapers that
discussion of immigration and race in a constructive way has been
stifled by the pansy left- see agitators like Trevor Phillips and
Cuddly Ken's henchman Lee Jasper."

And who was dismissed even by me as a knee jerk reactionary,
particularly after his response to Goodhart's poisonous article.

I'm not convinced this is any more than weak political bowing to the
crowing of the right wing press-cum-hate merchants over the asylum
issue, which is nothing more that a thin veil for racist bigotry.
Trevor Philips changing heart is hardly an inidicator of right or
wrong in policy, just another politico trying to save his job under
the auspices of an increasingly populist government.

But enjoy your moment.



gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-04 15:41:41 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 11:13:07 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
ROBBIE comes in from the cold and throws and a copy of The Times for April
3rd 2004 on the table. Looks at Monkey Doctor and says 'you, cunty, be quiet
and read that.' Says to the rest of the room: 'well, seems I was right and
yet you ganged up on me for it and even Follett tried to knock me down with
his malevolent snobbery but, lads, it seems I was right.' ROBBIE walks out,
and titters on the way.
This is the same Trevor Philips you sneeringly described as an
"It is now emerging in various think pieces in the newspapers that
discussion of immigration and race in a constructive way has been
stifled by the pansy left- see agitators like Trevor Phillips and
Cuddly Ken's henchman Lee Jasper."
And who was dismissed even by me as a knee jerk reactionary,
particularly after his response to Goodhart's poisonous article.
I'm not convinced this is any more than weak political bowing to the
crowing of the right wing press-cum-hate merchants over the asylum
issue, which is nothing more that a thin veil for racist bigotry.
Trevor Philips changing heart is hardly an inidicator of right or
wrong in policy, just another politico trying to save his job under
the auspices of an increasingly populist government.
But enjoy your moment.
Course it's spin--with a terrorist slaughter round the corner and
immigration in a complete, shameful shambles, Blair needs to start walking
away from MC; so he uses the tried and tested method: call it fucking
something else and keep on doing it.. The piece was posted in a spirit of
sardonicism: there are no depths of lying these cunts won't plunge. Phillips
is an agitator, but a Tony Crony first, which is even more cuntish.
Post by Monkey Doctor
gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message
_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-04 16:16:49 UTC
On Sun, 4 Apr 2004 16:41:41 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Course it's spin--with a terrorist slaughter round the corner and
immigration in a complete, shameful shambles, Blair needs to start walking
away from MC; so he uses the tried and tested method: call it fucking
something else and keep on doing it.. The piece was posted in a spirit of
sardonicism: there are no depths of lying these cunts won't plunge. Phillips
is an agitator, but a Tony Crony first, which is even more cuntish.
Oh, it was sardonic was it? Looked like your usual crowing. Of course
now that your typically ill thought out argument has proven to be as
such (to wit: the touting of the opinion of someone you previously
dismissed as worthless as proof you were right) you're spinning
yourself as you try and extricate yourself from your own mess.

Perhaps this might help:


It gives points of view from both sides to the argument, both with
valid points. If you can wipe the Littlejohn Latte froth from your
lip, you may want to try thinking there might be a middle ground -
that multiculturalism is too far inone direction, but to bury your
head in the sand and expect subcultures to integrate on your terms is
too far in the other.

Of course, there's a far bigger problem in immigration that seems to
be being ignored: emigration. We're losing brains and money (as our
poor and undeducated aren't desired by other countries any more than
we desire theirs).



gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-04 19:34:21 UTC
Me quote Phillip's in a crowing sense? You're a whole dimension short, to
use a scurf ridden sci fi term. Over and out.
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Sun, 4 Apr 2004 16:41:41 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Course it's spin--with a terrorist slaughter round the corner and
immigration in a complete, shameful shambles, Blair needs to start walking
away from MC; so he uses the tried and tested method: call it fucking
something else and keep on doing it.. The piece was posted in a spirit of
sardonicism: there are no depths of lying these cunts won't plunge. Phillips
is an agitator, but a Tony Crony first, which is even more cuntish.
Oh, it was sardonic was it? Looked like your usual crowing. Of course
now that your typically ill thought out argument has proven to be as
such (to wit: the touting of the opinion of someone you previously
dismissed as worthless as proof you were right) you're spinning
yourself as you try and extricate yourself from your own mess.
It gives points of view from both sides to the argument, both with
valid points. If you can wipe the Littlejohn Latte froth from your
lip, you may want to try thinking there might be a middle ground -
that multiculturalism is too far inone direction, but to bury your
head in the sand and expect subcultures to integrate on your terms is
too far in the other.
Of course, there's a far bigger problem in immigration that seems to
be being ignored: emigration. We're losing brains and money (as our
poor and undeducated aren't desired by other countries any more than
we desire theirs).
gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message
_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-04 20:37:42 UTC
On Sun, 4 Apr 2004 20:34:21 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Me quote Phillip's in a crowing sense? You're a whole dimension short, to
use a scurf ridden sci fi term. Over and out.
So what were you doing when you were quoting Philip's change of heart
as proof that you were right all along? You're the one a Littlejohn
short of a Red Top.


gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-04 22:55:24 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Sun, 4 Apr 2004 20:34:21 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Me quote Phillip's in a crowing sense? You're a whole dimension short, to
use a scurf ridden sci fi term. Over and out.
So what were you doing when you were quoting Philip's change of heart
as proof that you were right all along?
A mixture of things really: the amazing fucking chutzpah of Phillips who has
been running around calling people racists in a hysterical student manner;
the sudden change of tack for expediency which uses the *very* words I used
and you derided; and the whole fucking mess of the situation which you kept
telling me was basically ok. What's wrong with Littlejohn anyway?

You're the one a Littlejohn
Post by Monkey Doctor
short of a Red Top.
gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message
_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-05 12:47:52 UTC
Post by ROBBIE
A mixture of things really: the amazing fucking chutzpah of Phillips who has
been running around calling people racists in a hysterical student manner;
the sudden change of tack for expediency which uses the *very* words I used
and you derided; and the whole fucking mess of the situation which you kept
telling me was basically ok.
Ahh, but not at any point saying 'well, seems I was right and
yet you ganged up on me for it and even Follett tried to knock me down
his malevolent snobbery but, lads, it seems I was right.' with
conviction. It was all *ironic*... or was it sardonic... it's easy to
get confused when you talk like one of your loathed politicians. Face
it Robbie, you goofed.
Post by ROBBIE
What's wrong with Littlejohn anyway?
Hmm. That you even ask that question is worrying. He is a bigoted, ill
informed mouthpiece who embodies the small minded nature of the
British conservative (mit ein small 'c') who thinks speed cameras are
a serious menace to society and is desperately backpedalling away from
the BNP even though he quite clearly hates all gays and non-whites.

His encounter with Will Self is a good portrayal:

And have a nose here for general abuse of his column:

2004-04-05 14:08:42 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
A mixture of things really: the amazing fucking chutzpah of Phillips who has
been running around calling people racists in a hysterical student manner;
the sudden change of tack for expediency which uses the *very* words I used
and you derided; and the whole fucking mess of the situation which you kept
telling me was basically ok.
Ahh, but not at any point saying 'well, seems I was right and
yet you ganged up on me for it and even Follett tried to knock me down with
his malevolent snobbery but, lads, it seems I was right.' with
conviction. It was all *ironic*... or was it sardonic... it's easy to
get confused when you talk like one of your loathed politicians. Face
it Robbie, you goofed.
No but I don't expect you, whose entire activity on this forum is now geared
towards trying to, as it were, get one over on me, to see that. You don't
have a subtle mind and you've recently become exposed--and how it smarted--
to rigorous debate. MC is a bad thing and more than that, an unworkable
thing, and when the incestuous liberal elite start saying it (if not meaning
it), then I had grounds to crow. But I say again, you will never be able to
have a conversation with me again because you're still FUCKING FUMING about
that spat. Get over it.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
What's wrong with Littlejohn anyway?
Hmm. That you even ask that question is worrying. He is a bigoted, ill
informed mouthpiece who embodies the small minded nature of the
British conservative (mit ein small 'c') who thinks speed cameras are
a serious menace to society and is desperately backpedalling away from
the BNP even though he quite clearly hates all gays and non-whites.
Your reasoning and that of your ilk is highly suspect. In your book, anyone
who criticises or mocks gays or ethnics must 'hate' them. It's silly
reasoning. Good luck to him having his small bit of freedom of speech; Blair
and the EU will have it off him soon and a little tit like you will applaud.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-05 17:04:44 UTC
On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 15:08:42 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
No but I don't expect you, whose entire activity on this forum is now geared
towards trying to, as it were, get one over on me, to see that.
Ahh... it's my intellectual feebleness that's to blame here, not your
piss poor efforts to communicate your oh-so-subtle innuendo which to
all intents and purposes appears to be nothing more than
Post by ROBBIE
You don't
have a subtle mind and you've recently become exposed--and how it smarted--
to rigorous debate.
Rigorous debate? Plenty of that under my belt. What I experienced from
you was the kind of 'debate' that Rush Limbaugh excels at, and is
lauded by the moral right for.
Post by ROBBIE
MC is a bad thing and more than that, an unworkable
thing, and when the incestuous liberal elite start saying it (if not meaning
it), then I had grounds to crow.
Sorry, weren't you just saying you weren't crowing, and you were in
fact being sardonic? You're not even managing consistency within your
own posts...
Post by ROBBIE
But I say again, you will never be able to
have a conversation with me again because you're still FUCKING FUMING about
that spat. Get over it.
I'm well over it - you're the one obsessed. You're just a comedy
punchbag to me now, and you deliver with every blow.
Post by ROBBIE
Your reasoning and that of your ilk is highly suspect. In your book, anyone
who criticises or mocks gays or ethnics must 'hate' them. It's silly
reasoning. Good luck to him having his small bit of freedom of speech; Blair
and the EU will have it off him soon and a little tit like you will applaud.
Hmm, there's a point where mocking or criticism wander into a facade
for derision and abuse, and Littlejohn regularly falls into the
latter. His encounter with Self shows clearly he isn't bright enough
to know that line, but is sufficiently full of himself not to be able
to identify his own faults.

As for freedom of speech, i'll go with Voltaire. "I may disagree with
what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to
say it." though I may have a bit of trouble raising my hand to defend
him. But its the thought that counts, is it not?


gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-05 17:45:28 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 15:08:42 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
No but I don't expect you, whose entire activity on this forum is now geared
towards trying to, as it were, get one over on me, to see that.
Ahh... it's my intellectual feebleness that's to blame here, not your
piss poor efforts to communicate your oh-so-subtle innuendo which to
all intents and purposes appears to be nothing more than
Backpedalling? No, James; you *want* it to be that and all your life you've
got what you wanted; that's why your such an insufferably pompous little
shit now. But no, it was a complex irony which you fell upon and tried
bludgeon into being something that works in your great desire vanquish me
for exposing you as a smug, ill-informed, platitudinous little Guardian
reader; do you know I don't think you'll ever get over that will you?
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
You don't
have a subtle mind and you've recently become exposed--and how it smarted--
to rigorous debate.
Rigorous debate? Plenty of that under my belt. What I experienced from
you was the kind of 'debate' that Rush Limbaugh excels at, and is
lauded by the moral right for.
Post by ROBBIE
MC is a bad thing and more than that, an unworkable
thing, and when the incestuous liberal elite start saying it (if not meaning
it), then I had grounds to crow.
Sorry, weren't you just saying you weren't crowing, and you were in
fact being sardonic? You're not even managing consistency within your
own posts...
It was a crow: their spin and their public humiliation. My mistake with you
was to point out the finer details and, like a schoolboy in a frenzy there
you go shouting your head off. Really, do you see how thoroughly gauche
you're being?
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
But I say again, you will never be able to
have a conversation with me again because you're still FUCKING FUMING about
that spat. Get over it.
I'm well over it - you're the one obsessed. You're just a comedy
punchbag to me now, and you deliver with every blow.
Just keep saying it and you'll eventually believe it.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
Your reasoning and that of your ilk is highly suspect. In your book, anyone
who criticises or mocks gays or ethnics must 'hate' them. It's silly
reasoning. Good luck to him having his small bit of freedom of speech; Blair
and the EU will have it off him soon and a little tit like you will applaud.
Hmm, there's a point where mocking or criticism wander into a facade
for derision and abuse, and Littlejohn regularly falls into the
latter. His encounter with Self shows clearly he isn't bright enough
to know that line, but is sufficiently full of himself not to be able
to identify his own faults.
As for freedom of speech, i'll go with Voltaire. "I may disagree with
what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to
say it." though I may have a bit of trouble raising my hand to defend
him. But its the thought that counts, is it not?
So in other words what your saying is is that you like the sound of
Voltaire's maxim but in the actualite you wouldn't bother with it if you
thought the person was beyond the pale; how feeble your principles and
convictions are.

Lol at comedy punchbag; you are the epitome of shrill, middle class,
Post by Monkey Doctor
gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message
_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-05 20:45:36 UTC
On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 18:45:28 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Backpedalling? No, James; you *want* it to be that and all your life you've
got what you wanted; that's why your such an insufferably pompous little
shit now.
I've only ever got what I wanted through working for it. Despite your
bitter fantasy that life has deprived you somehow and everyone who is
doing well has done so out of some priviledge, all i've got is what
i've paid for through my work, and i've done well by virtue of my
predominantly state education. Sorry Robbie, but if I was born with a
silver spoon in my mouth, somebody nicked it before I could use it to
my advantage.
Post by ROBBIE
But no, it was a complex irony which you fell upon and tried
bludgeon into being something that works in your great desire vanquish me
for exposing you as a smug, ill-informed, platitudinous little Guardian
reader; do you know I don't think you'll ever get over that will you?
Complex irony my arse.
Post by ROBBIE
It was a crow: their spin and their public humiliation. My mistake with you
was to point out the finer details and, like a schoolboy in a frenzy there
you go shouting your head off. Really, do you see how thoroughly gauche
you're being?
Am I lacking in social polish for pointing out you hoisted yourself on
your own petard, and then refusing to accept your fog of 'irony', the
weak tool of many an incompetent art college reject, with which you
are trying to obfuscate the matter?
Post by ROBBIE
Post by Monkey Doctor
I'm well over it - you're the one obsessed. You're just a comedy
punchbag to me now, and you deliver with every blow.
Just keep saying it and you'll eventually believe it.
It's like shooting fish in a barrel Robbie, you're so pompous you
*have* to puff out your chest and tout your nonsense, you can't help
yourself. It's amusing to watch, and you are the one in denial if you
think i'm doing anything other than grinning here.
Post by ROBBIE
So in other words what your saying is is that you like the sound of
Voltaire's maxim but in the actualite you wouldn't bother with it if you
thought the person was beyond the pale; how feeble your principles and
convictions are.
We can't all be as morally upright as Gandhi. I would defend many a
man's right to free speech, but very few individuals' right 'to the
death'. Hardly a weakness, more practical acceptance of the fact that
I have but one life to lead and i'm not going to sacrifice it for a
man whom I find repugnant.
Post by ROBBIE
Lol at comedy punchbag; you are the epitome of shrill, middle class,
As you are the epitome of a short sighted right wing reactionary who
seems to think the loudest noise in the debate is the victorious one.

Makes for good entertainment, though.


gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-05 21:17:26 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 18:45:28 +0100, "ROBBIE"
How the fuck am I hoisted on my own petard? The whole thing vindicates what
I've been saying. LOL@ right wing reactionary. You're like a virgin at a
rock against racism gig.
Post by Monkey Doctor
gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message
What does this new sig mean? Or rather what do *you* think it means?
Post by Monkey Doctor
_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-05 21:35:30 UTC
On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 22:17:26 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
How the fuck am I hoisted on my own petard? The whole thing vindicates what
rock against racism gig.
You quoted someone you previously held in contempt as a provider of
proof 'you were right all along' and suddenly had to furiously
backpedal. The weak 'irony' defence is as pathetic an attempt as i've
come to expect from you.
Post by ROBBIE
Post by Monkey Doctor
gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message
What does this new sig mean? Or rather what do *you* think it means?
I'm surprised someone as cultured as you in things British doesn't
recognise it.

As to what I think it means? Its just a poke at people who gather the
weak around them as proof of their magnamity. Or is that too
insightful for a 'virgin at a rock against racism gig'? Or am I
missing the point, which you are undoubtedly going to advise me of in
your wisdom?


gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-05 22:42:03 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 22:17:26 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
How the fuck am I hoisted on my own petard? The whole thing vindicates what
rock against racism gig.
You quoted someone you previously held in contempt as a provider of
proof 'you were right all along'
Your attempts to hang on to this one are making you look fatuous.

and suddenly had to furiously
Post by Monkey Doctor
backpedal. The weak 'irony' defence is as pathetic an attempt as i've
come to expect from you.
It's absolutely hilarious I don't undertand what you mean by backpeddle; if
anyone is backpeddling it's the liberal elite. Why am I backpeddling?
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
Post by Monkey Doctor
gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message
What does this new sig mean? Or rather what do *you* think it means?
I'm surprised someone as cultured as you in things British doesn't
recognise it.
As to what I think it means? Its just a poke at people who gather the
weak around them as proof of their magnamity. Or is that too
insightful for a 'virgin at a rock against racism gig'? Or am I
missing the point, which you are undoubtedly going to advise me of in
your wisdom?
Could you explain what you're talking about?
Post by Monkey Doctor
gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message
_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-06 13:11:51 UTC
Post by ROBBIE
Your attempts to hang on to this one are making you look fatuous.
Your inability to accept that you made an error of judgement in your
desperate fervour to score a 'victory', and continued attempts at
obfuscation make you look feeble and further underscore who here is
suffering badly from a case of Ego.
Post by ROBBIE
It's absolutely hilarious I don't undertand what you mean by backpeddle; if
anyone is backpeddling it's the liberal elite. Why am I backpeddling?
See above. You state in your original post you were 'right all along'
then suddenly switch course to declare you were being sardonic when
your source is revealed as one upon which you previously declared
unworthy of your attention.

How many times does this need to be repeated before it sinks into your
thick skull? (The answer to that is probably an infinite number, as in
your pride you lack the cojones to admit your error).
Post by ROBBIE
Could you explain what you're talking about?
You aren't half dull witted today. The quote directly alludes to
attempts to inflate one's own ego by patronising those who you in your
self percieved magnamity claim to be aiding. The line has surprising
depth and many meanings; one is hardly surprised that someone with a
weak a grasp of subtlety as yourself cannot grasp any of the strands.

2004-04-09 19:00:38 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
Your attempts to hang on to this one are making you look fatuous.
Your inability to accept that you made an error of judgement in your
desperate fervour to score a 'victory', and continued attempts at
obfuscation make you look feeble and further underscore who here is
suffering badly from a case of Ego.
Post by ROBBIE
It's absolutely hilarious I don't undertand what you mean by backpeddle; if
anyone is backpeddling it's the liberal elite. Why am I backpeddling?
See above. You state in your original post you were 'right all along'
then suddenly switch course to declare you were being sardonic when
your source is revealed as one upon which you previously declared
unworthy of your attention.
God you pompous little shit, you're STILL IN HERE? I've been abroad fuck
sake and still you're going on. OF COURSE I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG:

--Why do thick cunts or nonces always write SF?

Now, do you want a diagram drawn, because I'll happily do one. Get it
through your acorn-sized, arrogant mind: you lost the argument and you spend
an hour every night trying to think of ways to get your own back, even if
they defy common sense. Of course my mistake was to emply any kind of
compexity: as a spoonefed Guardian reader, that goes right over yer head.

You're a silly cunt; now find a new hobby.

Post by Monkey Doctor
How many times does this need to be repeated before it sinks into your
thick skull? (The answer to that is probably an infinite number, as in
your pride you lack the cojones to admit your error).
Post by ROBBIE
Could you explain what you're talking about?
You aren't half dull witted today. The quote directly alludes to
attempts to inflate one's own ego by patronising those who you in your
self percieved magnamity claim to be aiding. The line has surprising
depth and many meanings; one is hardly surprised that someone with a
weak a grasp of subtlety as yourself cannot grasp any of the strands.
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-10 22:46:20 UTC
On Fri, 9 Apr 2004 20:00:38 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
God you pompous little shit, you're STILL IN HERE? I've been abroad fuck
Er, calm down love.

If you'd have pointed me at the Dutch Govt's report on the failings of
Multiculturalism (i'll be hunting it out when I have some time) i'd
have paid you more attention (you know, when I asked for some sort of
evidence beyond your own embittered experiences) than your rants which
carried more than a hefty stink of right wing bigotry.

I'll make up my own mind when i've read some learned discussion of the
subject. At least I had the wherewithal to admit I *may* be wrong,
something which you in your arrogance could not.

It appears your trip abroad has done you little good.
Post by ROBBIE
Now, do you want a diagram drawn, because I'll happily do one. Get it
through your acorn-sized, arrogant mind: you lost the argument and you spend
an hour every night trying to think of ways to get your own back, even if
they defy common sense. Of course my mistake was to emply any kind of
compexity: as a spoonefed Guardian reader, that goes right over yer head.
Blah blah blah. Am I also a spoonfed Economist reader? And New
Scientist reader? And even Propaganda Matrix reader? Can you spot any
conflicts in there? I'd hope so, but i'm having my doubts. Or am I a
left wing right wing pro gun anti abortion liberal who knows about the
atmosphere of Mars? Is it that clear cut to you?

Your own blindness and preconceptions are staggering for someone who
claims to be so fucking perceptive.
Post by ROBBIE
You're a silly cunt; now find a new hobby.
I will when you give up entertaining me, and cease being such a
pompous tit.

By the way, see Shaun of the Dead - Jolly good brit (rom) zom com


gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-11 09:51:16 UTC
"The problem is that these f****** people are rubbish in their own
country and they come over here; they bring nothing except problems;
they have no interest in learning about us or our ways; they just live
among their own."

gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-13 13:20:09 UTC
"Monkey Doctor" <***@no_spam_it_tastes_funny_beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk>
wrote in message news:own embittered experiences) than your rants which
Post by Monkey Doctor
carried more than a hefty stink of right wing bigotry.
Could you explain? Please be very explicit here.
Post by Monkey Doctor
I'll make up my own mind when i've read some learned discussion of the
subject. At least I had the wherewithal to admit I *may* be wrong,
something which you in your arrogance could not.
It appears your trip abroad has done you little good.
Post by ROBBIE
Now, do you want a diagram drawn, because I'll happily do one. Get it
through your acorn-sized, arrogant mind: you lost the argument and you spend
an hour every night trying to think of ways to get your own back, even if
they defy common sense. Of course my mistake was to emply any kind of
compexity: as a spoonefed Guardian reader, that goes right over yer head.
Blah blah blah. Am I also a spoonfed Economist reader
Dreadfully woolly mag in many ways.

? And New
Post by Monkey Doctor
Scientist reader?
Yes but what has that got to do with the subject under discussion except you
wishing to show off some kind of intellectual plumage; a better way, James,
to do that would be to argue coherently, using your own words, instead of
attempting to mirror my techniques; it makes me lose faith in you as a

And even Propaganda Matrix reader? Can you spot any
Post by Monkey Doctor
conflicts in there? I'd hope so, but i'm having my doubts. Or am I a
left wing right wing pro gun anti abortion liberal who knows about the
atmosphere of Mars? Is it that clear cut to you?
You *must* stop telling us how bloody marvellously widely read in the media
you are; it's bad form, especially when you, in spite of all this
gourmandizing on intellectual journalism, knew precisely fuck all about the
subject that caused this spat in the first place and offered the final
excuse: well I'm not interested anyway. *That* revelealed your shallowness
with humiliating acuity.
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-13 19:09:48 UTC
On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 14:20:09 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
wrote in message news:own embittered experiences) than your rants which
Post by Monkey Doctor
carried more than a hefty stink of right wing bigotry.
Could you explain? Please be very explicit here.
Oh, the boring 'explicit' remark, like i'm your fucking student and
you're marking me. Dream on.

No - hang on - let me indulge you this once, it's an easy call.

We can start by your auto spouting of a telegraph article trying to
pin voting for a left wing party as somehow cowing to terrorism,
despite the tenuous hold of the departed right wing govt. Then there's
the half-witted posting about a book review implying the civil service
is a left wing conspiracy. The whinging about a council selling a
property to the Bangladeshi govt on the cheap, using the usual
insiduous wink that somehow it's the Bangladeshi bit that's important,
not the actual corruption.Likewise your posting of a couple of
articles about weak Justice that didn't punish a Jamaican enough and
someone who was an immigrant commiting crime.

You are a walking bucket of indignant, small-minded Englishman's fury,
trying to masquerade as reason. It's not particularly hard to see
through you, it's just you know a bit more about the subject so can
outsmart most of your audience, but unfortunately for you, not all.
Shouting loudly and using big words might work with your associates
but it cuts very little ice with me. You've dismally failed to
convince me of anything other than your bigotry. I'm still waiting for
any evidence from you or any other source (other than your own biased
and pitiful insights) that Multiculturalism is failing or succeeding
as a policy. All I can hear is the small minded and hateful bleating
of migrationwatch and the Daily Mail.
Post by ROBBIE
You *must* stop telling us how bloody marvellously widely read in the media
you are; it's bad form, especially when you, in spite of all this
gourmandizing on intellectual journalism, knew precisely fuck all about the
subject that caused this spat in the first place and offered the final
excuse: well I'm not interested anyway. *That* revelealed your shallowness
with humiliating acuity.
Ahh.. read the Guardian and i'm left wing, read anything else and i'm
just showing off. I expected little else.

Anyway, back to your original gripe. I have bigger things to worry
about. Frankly, I am far more bothered about how my government has
increased the risk of a terrorist attack on central London, where I
live and work and play, which puts me at risk, than whether a few
asylum seekers are getting one over on the benefits system. There's
people all over the country doing that (fuck, even i've done it, i'd
be surprised if you haven't) and it bothers me not in the least. So
no, i'm not an expert, I have a passing interest and some knowledge.
However you've done fuck all to convince me you are an expert or a
voice worth listening to.

Maybe you should consider your approach a bit better? If you genuinely
believe that there's a problem, research it, reference it and set out
your arguments in a balanced and sensible manner. I look forward to
your erudite essay on the subject.


gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-13 20:18:35 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 14:20:09 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
"Monkey Doctor"
wrote in message news:own embittered experiences) than your rants which
Post by Monkey Doctor
carried more than a hefty stink of right wing bigotry.
Could you explain? Please be very explicit here.
Oh, the boring 'explicit' remark, like i'm your fucking student and
you're marking me. Dream on.
No - hang on - let me indulge you this once, it's an easy call.
We can start by your auto spouting of a telegraph article trying to
pin voting for a left wing party as somehow cowing to terrorism,
despite the tenuous hold of the departed right wing govt. Then there's
the half-witted posting about a book review implying the civil service
is a left wing conspiracy. The whinging about a council selling a
property to the Bangladeshi govt on the cheap, using the usual
insiduous wink that somehow it's the Bangladeshi bit that's important,
not the actual corruption.Likewise your posting of a couple of
articles about weak Justice that didn't punish a Jamaican enough and
someone who was an immigrant commiting crime.
Bigoted? That a library should be sold to a foreign country? That Law and
Order are obviously in decline? That terrorism influenced an election? I'm
afraid that words like racist and bigot roll off your tongue too easily.
Very careless use of language to obfuscate the issue. I am completely
against bigotry of all kinds. I think the BNP are dangerous and stupid. Yet
I happen to believe that the Left in this country are equally so and are in
fact causing the appetite for Far Right politics that is happening in
various sharp-end corners of the country. You have behaved in a way that is
frankly stupid and marks out everything that is wrong with the Left wing
cultural revolution that has happened in this country to wit I say
multiculturalism is a bad thing, you say: bigot. It is childish beyond
belief. I told you right at the start what I thought about multiculturalism:
by promoting difference and encouraging parallell cultures and ghetto-izing,
you will not create harmony, further, you run the risk of destroying the
culture that made England such an attractive proposition for immigrants in
the first place. Your answer to this was precisely nothing but a screeching
for graphs and pie charts; I would have thought 30 years of wholesale
manipulation of statistics in British politics would have given you a
healthy contempt for them. Stats are for Spin, which is probably why a Blair
believer like you is so enamoured of them. One example: the British
inflation rate is calculated WITHOUT taking into account house price rises.
Now just you think about that for a moment.
The fact is, is that taking an anti multicultural stance has nothing to do
with the cab driver rhetoric you're so fixated on; it isn't to do with who
is fiddling the welfare state-- though punishment of crime, or the Left's
belief that you shouldn't really punish it plays a part--it is to do with
the future and the identity of the country and it is to do with making
certain value judgements. Multiculturalism is just one part of a bigger
picture I'm considering; it is part of a left wing cultural revolution that
has taken over education, government and broadcasting. Your attempt to
minimize me as someone obsessed with MC isn't fair. Certainly I've taken the
piss out of you as a Guardian reader because you behave so typically; your
views are so typical; your tastes equally so. You believe in Blair because
otherwise 'thatcherism will come back'. You don't know much more than that.
You brand me a tory but I've always hated the tories and any redeeming
features they may have had died years ago. Your main concern is that your
government has put you in danger. From such a groovy lefty that kind of
selfishness is breathtaking. I realise the left have NOTHING to say to the
victims of fascism in all the little tin pot tyrannies around the globe but
that takes the cake. You wanted to leave Saddam's regeime intact didn't you?
You wanted to go as before, skipping over atrocities in the international
news section. Sure Bush and the US Army could hardly have made a worse job
of controlling the peace, but I still believe he should have been deposed;
to save the population he tortured for thirty years. No trendy lefty here
got out of bed and marched against his atrocities but when there was a
chance of removing him, they *all* marched. It was the smugness and the
stupidity of the Left early last year that really set me re examining my
political stance. You? All your worried about is if you're in danger when
you go clubbing: the selfish apathy that underpins the metropolitan lefty
when the going gets tough.
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-14 15:33:30 UTC
Post by ROBBIE
Bigoted? That a library should be sold to a foreign country?
It's just a property sale. Is it equally outrageous that Britons are
buying up large chunks of Spain? That Australians own our media? The
unidirectional focus of your view is what makes you sound bigoted.
Post by ROBBIE
That Law and Order are obviously in decline?
But it isn't. The fear of crime is up; actual crime is down. Look
here: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs2/hosb703.pdf particularly
at pages 140/141.
Post by ROBBIE
That terrorism influenced an election?
The articles insinuation was that the act *decided* it and
'dishonoured' the victims. The reality is it just tipped an already
delicate balance.
Post by ROBBIE
I'm afraid that words like racist and bigot roll off your tongue too easily.
It's because you keep acting like one.
Post by ROBBIE
I am completely
against bigotry of all kinds. I think the BNP are dangerous and stupid.
How very laudable of you.
Post by ROBBIE
I happen to believe that the Left in this country are equally so and are in
fact causing the appetite for Far Right politics that is happening in
various sharp-end corners of the country.
It is inevitable that in any society there will be extremist right
wing elements; and in a left wing society their voices will be louder
and angrier. They will also shock more effectively in a left wing
society. So you are right that the left is a catalyst; and indeed
there are probably the blindly left wing as well that aggravate
matters. However the SWP are regarded with similar contempt to the
BNP, so I hardly think the balance of our society is at risk,
regardless of the screeches of the tabloids.

Fundamentally there is a balance of left and right, tugged in each
direction by it's extremes - just as Labour is reeled in by the Tories
and vice versa. It's called strinking a balance.
Post by ROBBIE
You have behaved in a way that is
frankly stupid and marks out everything that is wrong with the Left wing
cultural revolution that has happened in this country to wit I say
multiculturalism is a bad thing, you say: bigot.
I don't call you a bigot for objecting to MC, it's because the
rhetoric you use to oppose MC is not that of someone who has
reasonable objections to a social policy, but the kind of shit you
read in the Mail.
Post by ROBBIE
by promoting difference and encouraging parallell cultures and ghetto-izing,
you will not create harmony, further, you run the risk of destroying the
culture that made England such an attractive proposition for immigrants in
the first place. Your answer to this was precisely nothing but a screeching
for graphs and pie charts; I would have thought 30 years of wholesale
manipulation of statistics in British politics would have given you a
healthy contempt for them. Stats are for Spin
You tell me what you think. You don't provide any evidence. Stats are
for spin, but as someone who produces stats, I can spot bias and strip
out rubbish. Besides, hard stats are of limited use in social
research, and qualitative approaches are more indicative. One mans
opinions, with teh appearance of having been canted straight from a
tabloid, do not make proof. I wanted some evidence or research that
indicated MC had a problem as a policy, and YOU CANNOT PROVIDE IT. Any
more than I can provide proof that it is functioning brilliantly -
it's very hard to find, but as a Journo I would have thought you would
have better resources than I.
Post by ROBBIE
, which is probably why a Blair
believer like you is so enamoured of them.
Since i've never voted Blair (or even Labour) ever, i'm not sure why
you put me in his fan club. Feel free to continue to ignore me saying
this, however, it seems to suit your 'rigorous' debating style. I have
faith in the Chancellor; a very different matter.
Post by ROBBIE
One example: the British
inflation rate is calculated WITHOUT taking into account house price rises.
Now just you think about that for a moment.

Houseprices are volatile compared to matters such as the cost of
produce, mortgages (more important than prices) et al. Plus inflation
is more affected by wage inflation, exchange rates, commercial capital
- House prices are a big deal for your average Joe, but compared to
other forms of capital within the UK it's not that big a number. You
may as well complain that Industrial plant hire isn't included in the
Post by ROBBIE
- though punishment of crime, or the Left's
belief that you shouldn't really punish it plays a part
Punishment is meaningless without rehabilitation. Some people are
wastes of time, and the left is paralysed over how to handle such
people. However the Tory 'string 'em up' approach is equally worthless
in actually solving the problems. The problem with rehab is it doesn't
satisfy the baying for blood - however in terms of hard financial cost
to society, rehab is cheaper and far more effective than prison ever
will be.
Post by ROBBIE
--it is to do with
the future and the identity of the country and it is to do with making
certain value judgements. Multiculturalism is just one part of a bigger
picture I'm considering; it is part of a left wing cultural revolution that
has taken over education, government and broadcasting.
I wonder how much of the left wing nature of the country now is an
ongoing reaction to the right wing years of Thatcher? Witnessing the
social injustice, poverty, poor education and biased media of right
wing America, i'd rather our left wing institutions.
Post by ROBBIE
Your attempt to
minimize me as someone obsessed with MC isn't fair.
Aw, bless, are your feathers ruffled? Considering what an arrogant
arse you've been i'm surprised you have the gall to complain at being
Post by ROBBIE
Certainly I've taken the
piss out of you as a Guardian reader because you behave so typically; your
views are so typical; your tastes equally so.
I'm left wing, and unashamedly so. This means I read a left wing
paper, just as a working class tory would have once read The Sun.
However i'm not naive enough to believe everything I see in print, and
dismiss a lot of it as loony leftism. One can be a lefty and not a
wooly jumpered idiot. I take a pragmatic approach to most matters,
hence my call for research to prove your MC points. I would expect
nothing less in a debate on economic matters, so why not social
Post by ROBBIE
You believe in Blair because
otherwise 'thatcherism will come back'.
Still not voted Blair. However Howard is an old school tory and a
threat to England - Ken Clarke, a different matter, but the Tory party
is still embedded in the 80's and is unable to progress hence its
choice of Dracula as leader. So yes, I fear being ruled by the past.
Like you, I was there and it wasn't very nice.
Post by ROBBIE
You brand me a tory but I've always hated the tories and any redeeming
features they may have had died years ago.
Why did you say you intended to vote Tory at the next election then?
Post by ROBBIE
Your main concern is that your
government has put you in danger. From such a groovy lefty that kind of
selfishness is breathtaking.
I'm not particularly 'groovy'. I never said it was my main concern,
merely I held it as more important than the alleged perils of MC. It's
the knife at my throat vs. the one in the kitchen draw. Try not to
distort things.
Post by ROBBIE
I realise the left have NOTHING to say to the
victims of fascism in all the little tin pot tyrannies around the globe but
that takes the cake. You wanted to leave Saddam's regeime intact didn't you?
Actually no. I was reservedly pro-war, but utterly against the way it
was justified and conducted, which was why I was on the march. It's
lack of international legitimacy and support has led to the kind of
problems we are seeing now, and pretty much as I expected. There
probably were the usual idiots on the march who just protest against
opening crisp packets, but me & my compatriots weren't among them.
Besides, the conversations the right have with them tend to be 'Buy
some more arms mate? We won't say anything about your dictatorship,
nothing to do with honest business.'.
Post by ROBBIE
You? All your worried about is if you're in danger when
you go clubbing: the selfish apathy that underpins the metropolitan lefty
when the going gets tough.
Clubbing? I wish, getting too old for that. I hardly think having some
concern for personal safety is a matter fit for scorn. If the war on
Iraq was genuinely prosecuted to make the world a safer place and to
benefit the Iraqi people, that would be nice. However it takes minimal
knowledge of the situation and US history of foreign interventions to
know it was done purely for America's financial benefit. The Iraqi
people are on the bottom of the list of reasons for the war,
regardless of public propaganda.

2004-04-14 17:12:49 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
Bigoted? That a library should be sold to a foreign country?
It's just a property sale.
There's no point to this if that's how you're going to argue.

Is it equally outrageous that Britons are
Post by Monkey Doctor
buying up large chunks of Spain?
holiday homes on the coast? You talent for the specious knows no limits.

That Australians own our media? The
Post by Monkey Doctor
unidirectional focus of your view is what makes you sound bigoted.
The specious reasoning of your is what makes you look foolish.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
That Law and Order are obviously in decline?
But it isn't. The fear of crime is up; actual crime is down. Look
here: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs2/hosb703.pdf particularly
at pages 140/141.
Yes but you see how they calculate crime has changed. I do not have the
details to hand but will lay hands on them as soon as poss. Livingtone's
self publicising newspaper The Londoner (that be socialism: the people pay
for him to produce a newspaper which he fill with distorted facts and his
own narrow ideological agenda) is bleating the crime figures down. I shall
get back to you on this.

<i'm snipping your fourth form mock exam paper on how politics works; hope
you don't mind>

<i'm snipping your stuff about the mail because its repetitive>

<i'm snipping your stuff about demanding a research paper on MC. I didn't
realise quite how much of anorak you are by which I mean all conversation is
a blind alley to you. Back to Douglas Adams for you, it's nice and cosy

<i'm snipping you stuff about Blair because it reveals either a smug non
voter or a lib dem which is the same. As for Brown, if you like him, you're
a bigger fool than I thought, mind you, you're comfortably off and if you
work in a gov department you're going to be fine, he's borrowing a colossal
amount of money to build up yer 'big govt' for you.>

<i'm snipping the lecture about house prices; I mentioned them as a way of
illustrating the manipulation of stats and figures.>

<i'm snipping the crime and punishment lecture because you have avoided the
central issue: weak sentences and concentrated on a homily about rehab>

<i'm snipping the crap about America being bad and us being good: read Polly
'Left Wing Guardianette' Toynbee's Hard Work and forget the idea that this
govt has done anything for the lowly>

<i'm snipping the repeated and ludicrous calls for a research paper on
issues discussed here; it reinforces my veiw that you are a pompous sci fi
anorak who'll adopt the most specious rhetoric to win. The counry's
institutions are full of left wingers because of Maggie? Maybe but then I
thought her a grave and destructive force on British society. The front
bench however are mainly student Marxists from the seventies who've shaved
the beards off; Blair was in CND f'fuck sake>
Post by Monkey Doctor
Why did you say you intended to vote Tory at the next election then?
Only way to put the brakes on Project Blair.

<I'm snipping your long winded way of saying that yeah you were for it it
but actually at the same time, like, you were not. I'm also snipping the
pointless aren't-I-clever rant about America in Iraq and tory arms dealers
and all that crap that we all know and have known for years before you
picked up and goggled at your first copy of Private Eye. I know that the
whole thing has been badly handled by the yanks but I still believe it was
the right thing to do even if they did it for the wrong reasons>
Monkey Doctor
2004-04-17 14:53:46 UTC
On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 18:12:49 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
Bigoted? That a library should be sold to a foreign country?
It's just a property sale.
There's no point to this if that's how you're going to argue.
What, by ignoring the inherent racism of your argument and your
ducking of the central problem; i.e. corruption?
Post by ROBBIE
Is it equally outrageous that Britons are
Post by Monkey Doctor
buying up large chunks of Spain?
holiday homes on the coast? You talent for the specious knows no limits.
If you ask the Spanish it's far more insiduous than that. They fucking
hate it just as much as you appear to loathe asylum seekers coming ove
rhere, taking our jobs, benefits, women etc etc.
Post by ROBBIE
That Australians own our media? The
Post by Monkey Doctor
unidirectional focus of your view is what makes you sound bigoted.
The specious reasoning of your is what makes you look foolish.
The narrow focus of your arguments and your cotinual condescending
tone is what makes you look like an ignorant fool.
Post by ROBBIE
Yes but you see how they calculate crime has changed. I do not have the
details to hand but will lay hands on them as soon as poss. Livingtone's
self publicising newspaper The Londoner (that be socialism: the people pay
for him to produce a newspaper which he fill with distorted facts and his
own narrow ideological agenda) is bleating the crime figures down. I shall
get back to you on this.
I very much doubt it; research and knowledge don't appear to be your
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping your fourth form mock exam paper on how politics works; hope
you don't mind>
Ah, condescension.
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping your stuff about the mail because its repetitive>
Much like your arguments and wanking.
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping your stuff about demanding a research paper on MC. I didn't
realise quite how much of anorak you are by which I mean all conversation is
a blind alley to you. Back to Douglas Adams for you, it's nice and cosy
Ah, so I have to provide examples but you don't - further prooof you
are both arrogant, ignorant and deeply unwilling to promote your cause
through anything more than bullying.
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping you stuff about Blair because it reveals either a smug non
voter or a lib dem which is the same. As for Brown, if you like him, you're
a bigger fool than I thought, mind you, you're comfortably off and if you
work in a gov department you're going to be fine, he's borrowing a colossal
amount of money to build up yer 'big govt' for you.>
Lib dem. I figured it would elicit a similar response which is why I
didn't highlight it. However I accept your unspoken apology for yet
again making incorrect assumptions about my standpoint.
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping the lecture about house prices; I mentioned them as a way of
illustrating the manipulation of stats and figures.>
Yes, and you highlighted your ignorance again by your remark and
sudden backing away from your point.
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping the crime and punishment lecture because you have avoided the
central issue: weak sentences and concentrated on a homily about rehab>
Sentences have minimal impact on the overall crime problem, unless you
jail all offenders until they are too enfeebled to commit crime.
Theres a host of liberal drug policies that could solve a large
portion of the subsequent crime problem, but because of 'moral'
pressure, people would rather be burgled than keep junkies in check
with a state dispensation programme. The maths isn't hard.
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping the crap about America being bad and us being good: read Polly
'Left Wing Guardianette' Toynbee's Hard Work and forget the idea that this
govt has done anything for the lowly>
I doubt our govt is perfect, but it's a damn sight better than the
sink or swim approach - but then perhaps you've never lived in a
'modern' country where there are almost no benefits at all, and old
people die on the street, others live in tin huts on hillsides in
shanty towns. You are the one waddled in English comfort and naiveity.
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping the repeated and ludicrous calls for a research paper on
issues discussed here; it reinforces my veiw that you are a pompous sci fi
anorak who'll adopt the most specious rhetoric to win. The counry's
institutions are full of left wingers because of Maggie? Maybe but then I
thought her a grave and destructive force on British society. The front
bench however are mainly student Marxists from the seventies who've shaved
the beards off; Blair was in CND f'fuck sake>
I await your paper, or at least *any* indication that your attitudes
have any grounding in reality. I'm used to arguments being backed in
debate, that's how it's done by people who actually know what they are
talking about, something I am increasingly less convinced that you

I note Blair's living those CND principles to the full, by the way.
Post by ROBBIE
Post by Monkey Doctor
Why did you say you intended to vote Tory at the next election then?
Only way to put the brakes on Project Blair.
What a idiot that shows you to be.
Post by ROBBIE
<I'm snipping your long winded way of saying that yeah you were for it it
but actually at the same time, like, you were not. I'm also snipping the
pointless aren't-I-clever rant about America in Iraq and tory arms dealers
and all that crap that we all know and have known for years before you
picked up and goggled at your first copy of Private Eye. I know that the
whole thing has been badly handled by the yanks but I still believe it was
the right thing to do even if they did it for the wrong reasons>
Jesus, you can't even manage to be decent when we are in agreement.

Nick, grow the fuck up and learn to debate like an adult.

gather round some nice black people while I deliver this message


_phlexr_: www.beresfordj.freeserve.co.uk for stories
2004-04-18 10:42:09 UTC
Post by Monkey Doctor
On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 18:12:49 +0100, "ROBBIE"
Post by ROBBIE
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
Bigoted? That a library should be sold to a foreign country?
It's just a property sale.
There's no point to this if that's how you're going to argue.
What, by ignoring the inherent racism of your argument and your
ducking of the central problem; i.e. corruption?
The corruption of political correct thinking? I don't think I'm ignoring
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
Is it equally outrageous that Britons are
Post by Monkey Doctor
buying up large chunks of Spain?
holiday homes on the coast? You talent for the specious knows no limits.
If you ask the Spanish it's far more insiduous than that. They fucking
hate it just as much as you appear to loathe asylum seekers coming ove
rhere, taking our jobs, benefits, women etc etc.
Shame on you James, for I have never said those things and yet you costantly
alledge I'm saying them; if this was newspapers I'd be suing you--and
winning--for libel. If you can't argue without yelling schoolyard
pejoratives from the 80s, then just fuck off mate.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
That Australians own our media? The
Post by Monkey Doctor
unidirectional focus of your view is what makes you sound bigoted.
The specious reasoning of your is what makes you look foolish.
The narrow focus of your arguments and your cotinual condescending
tone is what makes you look like an ignorant fool.
Round and round...all you want to do is 'win'. God you *were* stung by me
making such a fucking monkey out of you weren't you?
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
Yes but you see how they calculate crime has changed. I do not have the
details to hand but will lay hands on them as soon as poss. Livingtone's
self publicising newspaper The Londoner (that be socialism: the people pay
for him to produce a newspaper which he fill with distorted facts and his
own narrow ideological agenda) is bleating the crime figures down. I shall
get back to you on this.
I very much doubt it; research and knowledge don't appear to be your
I will, they massage the crime figures incredibly. For example crimes
committed by the same person in one block or street are usually marked as
one. So if someone does four flats in one street, this is marked as one
incidence of burglary. It's little things. Not only that, you have the vast
amount of public disorder and assualts and petty crime which people often
never bother to report because of lack of faith in the police 'service'. The
weakening of sentences ie fines--that are never paid-- and community service
etc have created a culture where the law is held in contempt and the liberal
eliet smiles on this as they believe that people are only criminals because
they haven't got enough money. You no doubt believe the same thing and it is
this belief that has made English streets so moody and burglary, for
example, a crime that New Labour doesn't believe merits a custodial
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping your fourth form mock exam paper on how politics works; hope
you don't mind>
Ah, condescension.
Wish it was.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping your stuff about the mail because its repetitive>
Much like your arguments and wanking.
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping your stuff about demanding a research paper on MC. I didn't
realise quite how much of anorak you are by which I mean all conversation is
a blind alley to you. Back to Douglas Adams for you, it's nice and cosy
Ah, so I have to provide examples but you don't - further prooof you
are both arrogant, ignorant and deeply unwilling to promote your cause
through anything more than bullying.
Bullying? LOL you my friend were the one who decided way back when to be
cool and groovy by calling me names because I criticised MC. That's how it
started. You are an acolyte of spin journalism, where various facts and
figures, often of dubious provenance are wheeled out. The use of one's own
senses and one's general opinion, intellect and command of the English
language do not come into it for you. If you look at a master cultural
commentator's collected journalism such as George Orwell you eill not find
constant recourse to government figures. You could learn a lot from Orwell;
you may indeed if you immerse yourself in his writings, find that what I'm
saying does not make me some John Bull Daily Mail figure; still that may be
too radical a concept for you self-righteous grooviness to withstand.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping you stuff about Blair because it reveals either a smug non
voter or a lib dem which is the same. As for Brown, if you like him, you're
a bigger fool than I thought, mind you, you're comfortably off and if you
work in a gov department you're going to be fine, he's borrowing a colossal
amount of money to build up yer 'big govt' for you.>
Lib dem. I figured it would elicit a similar response which is why I
didn't highlight it. However I accept your unspoken apology for yet
again making incorrect assumptions about my standpoint.
Lib Dem, the smuggest way of voting Labour. I can't wait for the first
Lab-Lib coalition, when the majority starts going. Those will be evil days
for the likes of you.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping the crime and punishment lecture because you have avoided the
central issue: weak sentences and concentrated on a homily about rehab>
Sentences have minimal impact on the overall crime problem, unless you
jail all offenders until they are too enfeebled to commit crime.
Weak sentences that are automatically cut in half at sentencing have no
effect I agree.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Theres a host of liberal drug policies that could solve a large
portion of the subsequent crime problem, but because of 'moral'
pressure, people would rather be burgled than keep junkies in check
with a state dispensation programme. The maths isn't hard.
I think paying people to stay on drugs--and think of the lives it will ruin;
not just the drug abusers but his/her's children and relatives; all glossed
over in the liberal simplicity. Morality and decency is something the left
has abandoned and abandoned at peril; you either fight a drug culture or you
legitimaize it and once you do that, the genie is out of the bottle. You
think about people's lives. That's the smugness of the liberal lefty: he
advocates smiling upon and promoting a system that will cause untold misery
but may shave the crime figures down slightly. You know, when you actually
think about the Left's drugs and crime policy, it makes you wonder why the
Left considers the Right inhuman.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping the crap about America being bad and us being good: read Polly
'Left Wing Guardianette' Toynbee's Hard Work and forget the idea that this
govt has done anything for the lowly>
I doubt our govt is perfect, but it's a damn sight better than the
sink or swim approach - but then perhaps you've never lived in a
'modern' country where there are almost no benefits at all, and old
people die on the street, others live in tin huts on hillsides in
shanty towns.
Oh I have, I've lived in England where asylum seekers get a better deal thah
OAPs. I'm all for the welfare state you silly boy. I am talking about a govt
that has done nothing for the people at the bottom.

You are the one waddled in English comfort and naiveity.

No mate, I know you like to see yourself as a chiselled-jawed realist, but
you talk in cliches; you assume I wish to band the welfare state; your
assumption reveal your simplicty of thought and analysis. You are
comfortably off and believe the easy, specious reasoning of the left and
anyone who doesn't is branded a thatcherite; myself I am the lefty here if
anything, i believe in morals though,a nd the modern left doesn't.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
<i'm snipping the repeated and ludicrous calls for a research paper on
issues discussed here; it reinforces my veiw that you are a pompous sci fi
anorak who'll adopt the most specious rhetoric to win. The counry's
institutions are full of left wingers because of Maggie? Maybe but then I
thought her a grave and destructive force on British society. The front
bench however are mainly student Marxists from the seventies who've shaved
the beards off; Blair was in CND f'fuck sake>
I await your paper, or at least *any* indication that your attitudes
have any grounding in reality. I'm used to arguments being backed in
debate, that's how it's done by people who actually know what they are
talking about
ah, thereby hangs a tale...

, something I am increasingly less convinced that you
Post by Monkey Doctor
Well you, and yer ego, have to believe that.
Post by Monkey Doctor
I note Blair's living those CND principles to the full, by the way.
You mean he was happy in stupidityuntil it became politic to change and THEN
did you.
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
Post by Monkey Doctor
Why did you say you intended to vote Tory at the next election then?
Only way to put the brakes on Project Blair.
What a idiot that shows you to be.
Could you explain further? Please be very explicit here?
Post by Monkey Doctor
Post by ROBBIE
<I'm snipping your long winded way of saying that yeah you were for it it
but actually at the same time, like, you were not. I'm also snipping the
pointless aren't-I-clever rant about America in Iraq and tory arms dealers
and all that crap that we all know and have known for years before you
picked up and goggled at your first copy of Private Eye. I know that the
whole thing has been badly handled by the yanks but I still believe it was
the right thing to do even if they did it for the wrong reasons>
Jesus, you can't even manage to be decent when we are in agreement.
Nick, grow the fuck up and learn to debate like an adult.
Ugh, yiu talk like an American. Please don't tell me to grow up when you
advertiose your peurilty in your hostility to your liberal feints and your
belief in immorality-as-legislation.
Onion Bob
2004-06-06 01:59:58 UTC
