Good! I hope that cheers him, sulker he is.
Can't complain, thank you for asking. It's lovely when people ask how
you are. We've been buried in SNOW for most of the winter, here in Noo
England. We did get to Hawaii though, last month. Long time on the plane,
but it's paradise once you get there. I was very bold and got a henna tattoo
on my arm. A sea turtle, tribal design. On my last day snorkeling I saw
THREE of them! A 3-Turtle Day is always a Good Thing. It came out really
nice; maybe someday when I'm old I'll get a real one. The pearl ring is nice
Well, my daughter's at University this year and will be home tomorrow
for the Easter holiday. I finished up writing the testimonials and will embark
on another tenure with Civic Duty. Same ole same ole.
I've rather been enjoying REALITY TELEVISION and haven't been
on-line much, ever since AOL pulled the plug on Unenet. Miserable bastids,
the whole lot of them, suits and countersuits. Good thing my daughter wants
to be a lawyer. I have no mind for it myself.
Too bad we don't get the UK Big Brother. It sounds good! BBC-America
really sucks. I do enjoy the Cleaning Ladies, Kim and Aggie, which are on
another network anyway. Now we buy all the same cleaning products they do.
SO, ... any plays in the oven? or are you just glad to see me.
That was a joke of course. I would never be so presumptious as to assume
you're glad to see me. And I never used AOL.