Post by redcatPost by Dirk Bruere at NeoPaxPost by SimonIs it just me, or is Usenet now full of uptight, miserable bastards who
you can't share a joke with?
Its just you
Let's have your joke.
Two Poles and a Black were employed by the same construction company and
got into the habit of working together - until the day the Black fell
from a scaffold eleven storeys high. When the police came to check out
the situation, there wasn't too much left to identify the fellow, so the
officer in charge turned to the two distraught Poles. "Listen, guys,"
said the cop, "was there anything distinctive about this man?"
"No, he was just a regular guy" said one of the Poles.
"Hey, wait a minute!" piped up the other. "He had two arseholes!"
"Are you bullshitting me?" asked the cop. "How the hell would you know?"
"Because every time we went into the pub around the corner for a beer at
the end of the day," said the Pole happily, "the barman would say, `here
comes that stupid Nigger with the two arseholes'!"
Adapt as necessary.
Dirk - Transcendence UK
Remote Viewing classes in London